Back on Oct. 28th we took Maria's dad to AP Stumps chophouse in San Jose. I got myself a real, honest to Jehovah steak baby! It was a Rib Eye, with a simple rub, no silly sauce, medium rare, cause I want to taste that lovely cow. BTW, for the meat eaters in the crowd: Why cow? I mean is it just that the females are more docile and easy to corrale? The steer...is that the name for the male cow?...is the steer just too damn onry? Or is it that the females taste different? I mean we all know that ladies are more tender creatures...OK, so back to the meat. And no, I wasn't directly relating to the sexual politics of meat there, you can read what Ms. Adams has to say about that if you're interested. Damn, now that I'm on this tangent, I might as well continue...do you think that the women were the first to go in the Donner party? I'm not talking about who is more frail here, I'm talking about who tastes better. All leudness aside, when you really are eating someone, you gotta wonder how the flavor changes. I mean here I am eating a friggin cow, and is it really that far off from Donner meat....really?
OK, damn, you see what you made me do? I was just talking about a nice dinner and here we go on the Donner party. Let's move on. I had the rib-eye, which was, well, very clean tastings. Clean in that it had the flavor I remember of the cow from when I was a kid, that sticky, grainy, juicy flavor, with the slight punch of the blood, a little sulphery maybe? Very good, excellently prepared, and just a very singular taste...like when you drink mixed red table wine every day and then finally try a single estate Cab or Pinot. It just hits you right between the eyes with it's singularity of being. COW. Nothing else. Straight and to the point. I also tried a bit of Maria's Fillet Mignon. That was soooo melty, gooey, tender. I think that any herbivore, with or without teeth, could successfully eat and digest that delicacy.
Oh, and both of these are things I have never tried before. They both went very well with the Ledson Pinot we had with the meal. Wine and steak go very well together.
After such a manly meal what more could we do? Off to Sharktank for hockey of course! I did find myself yelling particularly loudly that evening. Maybe there is something to this testosterone stuff...
1 comment:
I believe that the males are a little too valuable to the ranchers. Therefore, their lives get spared so they can perpetuate the breed.
Or something like that...
You have to watch the episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia called "Mac & Dennis: Manhunters." Two of the characters are convinced they accidentally ate human meat. It's pretty awesome.
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