10/23/08 : Taco Bravo in Campbell, CA
After a healthy night of drinking we lost one soldier to wandering the streets at 3am searching for his house, which was about 3 miles away. We left him to go get a taco, because that's how we roll. And no, it wasn't Shabbos. I had the taco something or other…especial? Anyway, it was a regular super taco with a flour shell and beans wrapped around the outside of the hard shell. I was too drunk and hungry to even think of taking a photo. So I found this one online. I do remember bits and pieces of the experience though, and the first thought I have is GREASE. Hot ground beef in a sea of grease to be exact. I remember looking at it after I took the first delicious bite and thinking, “I am going to get f'ing so sick” (I was drunk; I don't do word order when I'm drunk). But I ate the whole enchilada, or taco rather, and short of a few deep rumbles in the old belly, not much else negative effects. I mean, I just jumped right into this shite. After drinking all night, and rightly already being on the verge of getting sick I throw in mankind’s greasiest class D process meat product, with refried beans, cheese, sour cream, and NOTHING! I’ve got a new challenge now…to find something that will put me over the edge and make me hurl. Suggestions anyone?
That wonderful grease bomb you ate @ Taco Bravo is called a Taco Delight.. One of the best meals in the world!!!
God! Your descriptions of the bangers made me want to puke. I was sitting in Freedom Burrito and had just finished the veggie b when I started reading. It really ruined my digestion. Cool, huh? To give meat a fighting chance, you should go to somewhere good, like one of those Kobe steak houses.
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