Friday, October 24, 2008

Birthday bash at Trial's Pub (aka Whitney's Pub)

10/23/2008: Trial's Pub, in downtown San Jose.

We all met up last night at Trial's pub, which is a super cool british pub in San Jose with some really good beer on tap. They also have a full kitchen, which, for me, meant more meat. I was still feeling pretty bloated and full from the tri-tip sandwich I had about 5 hours earlier, but I managed to order an appetizer regarless. I got the bangers sampler, which is a funny British word for sausages, and these ones were cut up into little bit sized pieces. I wish I had thought to take a photo of it because it was this ridiculous meat salad. They put down a bed of lettuce then sprinkle the sausage over the top like croutons. I believe this is what is known in Britain as health food.

The first bit was disgusting. Seriously. Warm, gelatinous little globules of meat parts from some kind of pig...or more likely lots of different pigs all thrown together...basically a pig part party in a nice little intestine package. Anyway, I found the chewing a bit nauseating because with each bite you feel the little fat bits strung together with longer fat tendons pulling apart. And those little fat tendons, stick in between your teeth. YECH! The funny thing was that later on that night after the bangers had sat out for several hours and cooled down, they tasted much, much better. I actually enjoyed them cold. But don't get me started on the bite of Shepard's pie. I've never had it before, and I didn't really like it. I don't know if it was just a bad bite, or the fact that I still had pits of pigs in my teeth (yes I'm still convinced it's multiple pigs they grind up and throw into together), but it tasted like thick gristle soup...with onions....which I can image would be a great thing up in the high Scottish hills where it's wet and horrible...but not in California. Anyway, I'm making headway on the British food front.

Great beer though. The only problem with drinking and eating meat is that when I wake up in the morning feeling like I'm going to double over with a pain in my gut I don't know which to blame. Since it's no longer my official birthday I'm going to curtail the drinking and stick to the meat today. But man did I feel terrible this morning. The good news is I survived my first day of MEAT MONTH. Whoo-hoo. Now would somebody please get me a carrot?


whitneybee said...

I think some of your meat descriptions might steer me towards the meat free zone. Except for bacon.

Oh, and I told Cyrus about your meaty endeavor and he's decided to go vegetarian for a month to make up for your carnivorous ways (I don't think he was kidding, but I'll have to double check).

Maria said...

Maybe you should start small sweetie. Try some chicken!

Unknown said...

I'll throw in my little bit of unsolicited advice: you might want to step up the exercise to make use of all that protein you'll be getting. Think about it -- you could be a beast by the end of the month.