That's all folks. Well, for now anyway. My meat month was over "officially" on November 23rd, but I extended it to have Thanksgiving with Maria and her family, so that I'd be able to try out some Turkey. The turkey was good...but to be honest, when I was a kid I never really was all that into it. I wanted to see if as an almost adult I'd be more into it. It was quite good, with a hint of saltiness, although in trying to figure out where to fit it as a food in the vast empty catacombs of my head, I'd say it tasted pretty much like chicken. I think the best way to describe it is that turkey is what you'd get if you took a bunch of chickens down to the bottom of the Mariana Trench for a few hours, then brought them back up and cooked them on the BBQ...similar flavor, but the meat is much more dense. I figure it would take about 4 chickens to make 1 turkey. 4 to 1. That's the ratio. If I had more time I'd do a density research project, but I'm done with meat month, so I'll have to leave that for someone else...
So wrapping up the meat month I'd like to broach a subject that many asked me about when they learned about my....quest: health effects. Yes, it was difficult the first week and a half to digest the meat. It would just sit at the bottom of my stomach for at least a day, and I would be unrelenting and just pile more and more of it down my gullet. I like that word GULLET. Nice ring to it. "SHUT YER GULLET!!!" Way more style that "please be quiet". Other main thing was that I found my energy level was terribly reactive to my eating of meat. Right after I ate, and for the next 6 hours or so I had lots of energy, but then I'd head in a tailspin and get super lethargic. When I ate meat at first it felt like a drug, and I think this energy level shifting ties into the cravings some people get for meat.
The biggest change I noticed, and the most painful and impacting, by far...was my teeth. After eating meat for 2 weeks my teeth were KILLING me. The last 2 weeks of the Meat Month brushing my teeth in the morning was painful...you know that feeling of brushing on an exposed nerve ending? Yep, that was it. Every day. I was thinking about it and as a vegetarian you do have to chew on things like carrots and celery, but like 2 crunches and you're done. It's not like a steak where you have to chew it like 20 times before you can swallow. My teeth were ecstatic when The Month was over. The first day after Meat Month my teeth were back to normal, healthy, painless, and quite thankful.
Now I'm about a week into Vegan Month. I've noticed changes immediately: I have level energy throughout the day, no swings and massive rushes that I had with meat. My teeth are lovely. And the best thing is I'm not all bloated all the time. I definitely gained weight in Meat Month...I'd say at least 5 pounds, but after just 1 week as a Vegan I can feel my clothes fitting looser, my belly not hanging quite so low, and just feeling everything relax back to normal operation. I seriously think that the 1 week as a vegan erased all the damage I've done in 4 weeks as a Carnivore. See? 4 to 1...who's the turkey now?
1 comment:
It is completely understandable that as a meat eater, you would be chewing more. As a young child I was told to chew each mouthful 20 times before swallowing. It might be connected to helping the starving Chinese children of which my mother was always cognizant or perhaps it was to slow us down so there would be no requests for seconds. But as a adult I have heard the number repeated many times as a weight control strategy. Interesting. We're adding all those extra calories in our meat and we think we can solve the problem by counting chews.
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